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    National Gallery 結果共10筆

  • 有片/極端環保組織又出手 梵谷《向日葵》慘被潑番茄湯、民眾嚇傻尖叫

    近年極端環保主義組織「停止石油」(Just Stop Oil)在全球多個地標、美術館或景點發動抗議行動,最新一起案例是知名畫家梵谷(Vincent van Gogh)2幅知名的《向日葵》(Sunflowers)畫作,有3名環保人士潛入位於英國倫敦的「國家美術館」(National Gallery)、朝畫作潑灑番茄湯,最終遭到逮捕。
    2024/09/28 17:30
  • 澳億萬女首富嫌畫像太醜要求下架 遭美術館拒絕:你沒資格

    每個人對於藝術的觀點都不同,究竟是美是醜也很難有定論,但看在澳洲女首富吉娜・萊因哈特(Gina Rinehart)眼中,澳洲國立美術館(National Gallery of Australia)替她繪製的一張畫像,卻讓她感覺非常礙眼且不開心,認為該畫作似乎刻意醜化其形象,多次要求美術館下架,但都被館方拒絕打槍。
    2024/05/17 17:57
  • 萬張早鳥票秒殺!《從拉斐爾到梵谷》陣容超強 預購攻略一次看

    奇美博物館將於今年5月迎來國際級大展《從拉斐爾到梵谷:英國國家藝廊珍藏展》(Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London),展出拉斐爾、梵谷、林布蘭等大師級畫家的真跡。消息一出立刻造轟動,於1日開賣的主題票券也在3分鐘內就銷售一空,讓網友直呼「比演唱會門票還難搶」。5月、6月的一般票券將於3月11日開放購買,《DailyView網路溫度計》整理了購票連結及相關注意事項,提供給讀者參考。
    2024/03/05 20:37
  • Chimei Museum to host exclusive UK art exhibition

    Discover the historic "Masterpieces from the National Gallery in London" exhibition at Taiwan’s Chimei Museum, showcasing works by renowned artists like Raphael, Rembrandt, and Van Gogh. Reserve your timed-entry slot to witness 52 iconic pieces from the UK’s esteemed National Gallery, a rare opportunity in its 200-year history. Don’t miss this exclusive event, a must-see for art enthusiasts, before the masterpieces return to London for the Gallery’s bicentennial celebrations.
    2024/02/21 15:14
  • National Museum of History Reopens on Feb. 21

    The National Museum of History (NMH) in Taipei is reopening to the public on Feb. 21 after a five-year renovation. The museum has expanded its exhibition spaces by about 262 pings, a traditional unit of area in Taiwan. The renovation also includes enhanced nighttime lighting to create a scenic nightscape within the Nanhai Academy. The façade now integrates the NMH, the National Taiwan Arts Education Center’s Nanhai Theater, and the corridor landscape between the National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute. The renovated NMH features an enlarged display space, a new family-oriented area for children, a national gallery for special exhibitions, and a panoramic dining restaurant. The museum aims to create a continuous public space within the establishment to enhance the recreational environment of Nanhai Cultural Park. The new evening lighting aims to boost the overall ambiance of the Nanhai Academy.
    2024/02/07 16:14
  • Traffic restrictions announced for Taipei’s Nuit Blanche

    Taipei City’s annual "Nuit Blanche" event will transform Hsinyi District into an open-air art gallery on Oct. 7. The National Palace Museum and the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park will extend their opening hours for the event.
    2023/10/06 16:48
  • 英王又遭殃!環團反開採石油 朝查爾斯肖像「噴粉漆」

    環團人士為讓政府聽見訴求,常使用激烈手段吸引目光,英國環保團體This is Rigged 26日出招,在愛丁堡(Edinburgh)蘇格蘭國家美術館(National Gallery of Scotland)的英王查爾斯三世(King Charles III)肖像上噴漆,要求蘇格蘭政府「停止發放石油和天然氣開採許可證。」
    2023/07/27 16:46
  • 真有時空旅人?400年前古畫「驚見Nike球鞋」網笑:潮流先鋒

    引領潮流的辣個先行者?英國一對母女在參觀英國國家美術館(National Gallery)時,意外發現一幅已經有400年歷史的古畫上「出現NIKE球鞋」,忍不住跟網友分享這個奇特的發現,也開玩笑直呼根本就是時空旅人鐵證;而消息在網路上傳開後也掀起熱議,笑稱根本就是畫中的主角時尚先鋒。
    2023/05/23 13:50
  • 25億名畫險遭殃!環團向梵谷《向日葵》潑番茄汁宣揚理念

    社運人士為了表達自己的訴求,常會使用激烈手段吸引大眾注目,英國倫敦國家美術館(National Gallery in London)14日就傳出,有2名氣候運動者為宣揚理念,竟手持番茄湯罐頭潑灑荷蘭藝術家梵谷(Vincent van Gogh’s)名畫「向日葵」(Sunflowers),引發譁然;所幸藝術品有玻璃保護沒受傷害,事後兩人也遭警方逮捕。
    2022/10/15 11:46
  • 為宣傳理念!澳洲社運人士竟用強力膠「手黏」畢卡索名畫

    社運人士為了表達自己的訴求,常會使用激烈手段吸引大眾注目,澳洲墨爾本的維多利亞國家美術館(National Gallery of Victoria),今(10)日就傳出有2名氣候運動者為宣揚理念,將自己的手「黏在」知名畫家畢加索的畫作上,引發譁然。兩人事後遭到警方逮捕,美術館則表示藝術品有玻璃保護,沒有受到傷害。
    2022/10/10 17:39
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